Calgary Northeast United FC. Your Northeast Soccer Club
Calgary Northeast United FC. Your Northeast Soccer Club
Calgary Minor Soccer League
Program Information
Age Group: U7-U19 Born (2018 - 2006)
Gender: Boys & Girls
Skills: Pre Screened for appropriate level of Competition
Training: 2 or more per week (holidays apply)
Days: Any Days, As per Schedule.
Games: Competitive against other clubs in our league.
U7-U9 Plays at Genesis/NE
U10-12: Community fields across the town
U13-U19: High quality Fields across the town
Team Selection:
Current Players: Addition or removal from the current teams based on the current/last season's performance and other evaluations.
New Player: Team placements based on evaluations.
After team selection and registration process, one or more Assigned coaches will lead their teams. Volunteers or not, once they have assumed the responsibility, the coaches and managers are the one responsible for all team related communication.
With registration and placement on the teams, ALL players and Parents are bound to abide by the CMSA/ASA/Canada Soccer Codes of Conduct and rules of play.
CMSA league is divided into Grassroots (U7-U9), Developmental (U10-U12) and Competitive (U13+) leagues are focused on different levels of competition.
CNEU In House League
Program Information:
Age Groups: U4-U12
Gender: Mixed. Boys and Girls will be separated for CMSA program.
Skills: All Skill levels
Trainings: 2 times a week, internal games during weekends. You can pick your training and game days. We will make groups based on your choices. We will try to balance these groups by age and the groups will be finalized before the training begins.
Days: Monday to Friday (Choose your 2 Days)
Games: Weekend Saturday or Sunday (Pick Yours)
Location: Taradale, Saddleridge, Cityscape*, Cornerstone, No events outside of Northeast.
Coach Felix Lopez (Head Coach):
20+ Years of coaching experience. Top Grassroots coach in Northeast Calgary.
Coach Anselem Nganwuchu: Great Developmental coach with extensive coaching experience in Africa and Canada.
Coach Rahul Sharma: High performance academy coach from India and 2 plus years with CNEU developmental teams.
Additional coaches and volunteers will be added as required.
House league and Grassroot program is focused on player development.
(To make sure the program is not interrupted by weater and waste everyone's time)
Venue: Genesis Centre Fieldhouse 1
Days and Times: Tuesdays 6:30 pm and Thursdays 6:00pm
Fees: $500
Only Selected players will participate CMSA games
Rest will play
Coaches will pick training days and Time and schedule sessions at CNEU permitted locations. They can consult with the team if necessary.
We will assign a full Schedule when the Games Schedule is available from CMSA and games begin. We try our best to keep one team at the same time and location throughout the season. Indoor Schedule may vary by availability of indoor space. We do not have enough indoor facilities in our city.
Parents will contact with the coaches directly or via the chat groups in case they need information or assistance.
Parents are responsible to check schedule for practices and games and bring their children accordingly.
CMSA Games
Teams are divided into age groups by gender and then divisions based on skills and part of the city where applicable by CMSA.
U11 > Boys > Developmental East> CNEU 2014 Storm
U12 > Girls > Tier 3 > CNEU 2012 Rush
This group plays 6vs 6. CMSA Game Schedule can be found at the following link: Team Schedule
Parents are responsible to bring their children 30 min before the game starts.
If you click the location on the cmsa website you will get the address and map of the fields.
No Standings, No Statistics.
Developmental League is focused on training & learning and NOT Winning.
Playing Time is determined by the coaches primarily by effort players put on the field, then skills, positions and overall team need based on the situation.
While playing experience is important for learning, Putting a player not ready for competitive play is also unfair.
We challenge our new player to win their playing time by putting efforts, attention, learning and attendance in trainings.
Coaches will pick training days and Time and schedule sessions at CNEU permitted Training Locations (TBA). They can consult with the team if necessary.
We will assign a full Schedule when the Games Schedule is available from CMSA and games begin. We try our best to keep one team at the same time and location throughout the season. Indoor Schedule may vary by availability of indoor space. We do not have enough indoor facilities in our city.
Parents will contact with the coaches directly or via the chat groups in case they need information or assistance.
Parents are responsible to check schedule for practices and games and bring their children accordingly.
CMSA Games
Teams are divided into age groups by gender and then divisions based on skills and part of the city where applicable.
U10 > Boys > Developmental East> CNEU 2014 Storm
U12 > Girls > Tier 3 > CNEU 2012 Rush
CMSA Game Schedule can be found at the following link: Team Schedule
Parents are responsible to bring their children 30 min before the game starts.
If you click the location on the cmsa website you will get the address and map of the fields.
Any govt issued ID with player's name and Date of bitrh is acceptable, Birth certificate, Passport, Alberta Health Card etc. Players are placed on a team based on their age and must provide proof of their age.
All players must complete a liability waiver to release CMSA of any accident and injury during the season. anyone has completed a waiver beginning of indoor season is good until next indoor season begins. any new player joining outdoor and new to CMSA must complete it before they are eligible to play games. Please follow the Link to do it right. NO Waiver, NO play. CMSA PLAYER WAIVER
All players playing for a U11 and older teams regardless their ages will need a CMSA photo ID Card. After registration your club will create your profile and you can make the ID card. NO card, NO play. Please follow the link below: CMSA ID CARD
Visit Calgary Minor Soccer Association website at
Go to Indoor or Outdoor Season Schedule
Select Male or Female Leagues and Age Groups
Select Tier or division and select your team.
All registered players, parents and coaches are bound by the codes of conduct set by the soccer authorities. This can be found under CMSA rules and regulations and supported by Alberta Soccer Association and Canada soccer.
any behaviour that goes against the codes of conduct will be dealt with strictly and without exceptions. Any disrespectful behaviour towards Coaches, Officials and Referees or opposition may result in direct removal from the teams and WITHOUT refund.
For the FIRST time CNEU has registered a team with Calgary United Soccer Association (CUSA). Players Over 18 can now join or continue to play with CNEU Vanguards.
Games and Training locations details will be available Later. Please email or for more information.
Registration Fee: $300
House league will be a Non Competitive program focused on training and development of new and entry level players, and fitness and conditioning. These players may play a few games with competitive teams as per CMSA guidelines.
Please email for more information.
CNEU is working on partnership with a private contractor for technical training for our players. We are also working on Our Own Academy based on our own coaches.
CNEU is working with CMSA and ASA to organize Summer
Camp, Tournament and and establishing an exchange program with European soccer organizations.
We had a successful Summer Camp with JFC/AS Champs with Joel Epalle, a Cameroonian International Player who played professional soccer in Europe, Players FIFA World Cup and Won Gold Medal in Olympic Soccer. We are expanding the Horizon even more this summer, wait for the BIG news..
Please email for more information.