We all have work and make money for living. Your kid is your kid. They need your support to grow. not only payinf their fees, also to take them to their training and games. The biggest encouragement is when they know you are supporting him from the gallery. We understand you are all busy with your daily life. So are all the coaches. They are giving their valuable time for your children. Your children having quality time under the supervision of a secureity verified and qualified adult.
Transportation is a big issue especially in the Northeast. YOU are responsible for your child's transportation for training and games. You can Car Pool with other parents if you have to.
Coach is NOT responsible to provide rides to your children. Health and Safety issues are involved. Especially after COVID we do not want to flll up our vehicle with childern from MANY different familes and put my family members at risk.
Coaches have an accident on the road with your child in his car. They can have appointments or committments before or after the game. It also cost money for gas and time to drive around. Please set an example and support your kid.
Club collects the fees to pay their programs, field permits, facility booking, buying uniform, paying per player registration fee to CMSA.buying balls, vests first aid, equipment etc, paying for the Website, advartisement etc. We need the noney before the beginning of the season so we can offer a good experience for your child without stress.
Coaches and Club TD will select players for their teams, shuffle or move where necessary EXCLUSIVELY based on set criteria; evaluation, skills, committment, attendance and team/club need.
Tournament teams are special teams. Tournament teams are selected based on necessity and to balance the team players may be selected from outside of the team.
Each coach must have to complete a security clearance with vulnerable sector search, completed respect in sports course, has a valid coaching ID card from CMSA and completed a waiver to be eligible to coach a team. This is the rule set by CMSA.
Finally, some one is only able to coach if your CLUB has to assign you on a team.
Unless you are officially assigned to a team by the club as a coach, and your name is not on the Game Sheet, you are NOT ALLOWED in the coaching area or to coach from the sidelines or gallery. The referee can ask you to leave the area and stop the game if you don't. Rules are Rules and are made for reasons.
As a parent, if you are interested, the club will create your coach profile, you can complete the above mentioned process, you can become a coach.
Giving instructions other than the assigned coach is NOT Allowed or appreciated. You might think you are helping the team/coach, you are not. Some coaches may think you are actually disrespecting him/her and undermining their authority or capacity. While the coach in charge and is giving his direction as per training and planning, a different instruction from parents can confuses the player and negatively affect the team.
This is Children's sport and our children learns from us. We must be on top of our behaviour in front of children. Respecting Coaches, Referee and Opponent are parts of sportsmanship and good manner. A Field Martial from each team is mandatory to keep their crowd under control. Players, parents and even teams can be suspended by the CMSA because of individual or group behaviour.
Conflict between players or Parents within the organization is not expected to happen as we are part of the same organization or team and should work together to make the experience better for all of us.
Any conflict or action from any parent or athlete that disrupt the team environment, integrity of the sports and organization and violates the codes of conduct, will be dealt with accordingly as per rule. It can result in expulsion of the individual at fault from the organization without refund.
If you as a parent and have questions or concern regarding your child’s learning or wellbeing while participating in team activities and would like to talk to the coach, PLEASE arrange a meeting outside of practice time with advance notice.
Game and training sessions are common and paid times for the whole team and the coach may not have time or may not be ready for the dicussion on spot. Training sessions belong to the whole team and the coach should be able to utilize the time for the team, especially indoor gym time is very expensive.
Any disrespect and abusive behaviour towards the coach will NOT be tolerated and proper actions will be taken as per rule, up to expulsion from the team and club all together without refund.
If you are not satisfied with your concern or complaint after talking to the coach, you can contact the club at info@cneu.ca and reach out to club administration for further discussion and resolution. If you are still not satisfied, you can reach out to CMSA or external authorities.